DJ Sean Doe
Rahsaan “Sean Doe” Hawkins is Chicago-born DJ, artist and connector who has been staple in the Chicago hip hop community since 2000. As an ambassador to Chicago’s hip hop community for the Midway documentary, he works to ensure the story of Chicago hip hop is authentically told by those who lived it.
He developed a range of insights about Chicago hip hop and built key relationships from his early days of doing street team promotions for ABB Records and Stones Throw Records – 
at a time when the music was at its height. This drew the attention of one of the most widely respected indie hip hop labels of the golden era, All Natural, Inc.
What began as street team promo led to A&R duties and eventually helping to run the label. During that period of time the label pushed artists like: Iomos Marad, The Primeridian, Rita J, 
as well as the namesake of the label, All Natural (Tone B. Nimble and Cap D), and others.
Paying dues as a DJ and promotions rep afforded him access and the ability to bridge many gaps, as he made a name for himself as a DJ for various events around the city. He would often fill in for DJ Twilight Tone during the Dance To the Drummer’s Beat series, one of the Midwest’s prominent beat battles.
As a promoter, he is proud of the work done to support Little Brother and the Dilla Donuts release. The beat battle gigs were a perfect vessel to push the Dilla Donuts record to the Chicago market, as well as other events around the city supporting the release of the album. This effort cemented Sean Doe as an influencer/tastemaker in the Chicago hip hop and gained respect of purist hip hop heads.