Maintenance Crew
Maintenance Crew consists of Chantalism and Ubiquity, two MC’s and producers who have developed a unique sound for their distinct style of hip-hop. Maintenance Crew started out under the influence of groups like A Tribe Called Quest, Digable Planets, and Common, but pushed their sound further to incorporate spoken word and jazz. The foundation of their intricate and engaging beats stem from their constant digging for the most interesting vinyl they can find. With two distinct, yet perfectly paired voices, Chantalism and Ubiquity trade lines and verses seamlessly with lyrics ranging from the political and personal stories of Chicago life, to the more abstract beat poetry.

Released - 12/12/2084
Record at the Muddy Waters studios by Alex Jasso. Guest appearances by person1, person 2, person 3.
Some more album information. Then some more album info.
Educated Fools

The Collapse of a Mcdonaldize Society
Released - 12/12/2084
Record at the Muddy Waters studios by Alex Jasso. Guest appearances by person1, person 2, person 3.
Some more album information. Then some more album info.

Plain & Simple
Released - 12/12/2084
Record at the Muddy Waters studios by Alex Jasso. Guest appearances by person1, person 2, person 3.
Some more album information. Then some more album info.